Balance Analysis Basel 2

To effectively present your financial statements to banks, complying to the Basel 2 agreement guidelines.

Mago4 – Balance Analysis Basel 2

Properly presenting your financial statements to banks is essential to bring out the effectiveness of your business and access to financing. Mago4 helps you also in this task, thanks to a variety of tools specifically designed to fill in the documentation in line with the requirements of the bank, quickly and intuitively.


The strength of this module is that you do not need difficult configuration procedures but can start immediately importing data; the intuitiveness of the entire process will surprise you. Mago4 extracts the financial statement data and inserts it in an Excel worksheet directly linked to the company’s database, updating the values and comparing them with those of the past two years from the reference year. Moreover, the financial statements are filled out in accordance with EU legislation.


What if the controlled companies are foreign multinationals? Mago4 allows you to convert balances in foreign currency at the required fixing rate, thanks to the consolidated templates used to generate the balances. In this way balances can be expressed in different currencies. If necessary, you can still review and correct the balances before sending them to the controller company.


The module allows you to adapt the rating calculation to the requirements of each bank. In fact you can select the ratios to consider and the weight to attribute them (on a scale of 4 opinion levels), having at your disposal a complete list of those most commonly used in company financial statements: ROE, ROI, ROS, Turnover of invested Capital, Degree of Financial Autonomy, Current Ratio, Performance index , Quick Ratio.


The figures extracted are then reprocessed to carry out different analyses: the financial analysis, calculating ratios by flows using capital variation analysis and filling in the financial statements, and the economic analysis, calculating ratio and analyzing ROE (return on equity). The result is a detailed analysis report with a summary of all ratios, comments and graphs, which is generated completely automatically in editable Microsoft Excel format.


Do you need to produce financial statements according to EU guidelines? With this module, Mago 4 provides you with various reports based on predefined “reclassification schemas” that you can customize according to your needs.


[ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”10″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#7c9896″]EASE OF USE  You immediately start processing your data without complex initial procedures.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#7c9896″]CUSTOMIZED CALCULATION  You choose which ratios to consider and which weight to give them, depending on the requirements of the bank.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#7c9896″]AUTOMATED The analysis report is automatically generated, giving you the opportunity to make any adjustments.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#7c9896″]UPDATE  The Excel sheet data and the company’s database are constantly linked.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]
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Mago4 is available in 3 Editions
to meet the real needs of all SMEs.
The Balance Analysis Basel 2 module is provided for all editions.

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