Purchase Orders

Thanks to Purchase Orders module, you can control your company’s purchases, optimize costs and greatly reduce storage volume of your inventory.

Mago4 – Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders module allows you to easily manage your company’s purchases. With this Mago4 module you can:

  • manage supplier quotations;
  • register purchase orders;
  • close purchase orders and automatically post loading transactions for the goods in stock;
  • automatically generate purchase orders to garantee deliveries to customers;
  • analyze the inventory trend.


Mago4 offers optimal management of supplier quotations in order to allow you to:

  • identify and properly manage the potential supplier;
  • identify the source of quotations data;
  • effectively use the document functions;
  • make a quotation entry fast and efficient.


Mago4 allows you to best manage ordered items, efficiently manage inventory stocks concerning goods to be received and file orders sent to suppliers. Specifically it lets you to:

  • enter an order;
  • create an order from a quotation;
  • retrieve sales orders in purchase orders;
  • edit and delete filed orders.


It can happen to have Purchase Orders where different delivery dates of goods are indicated in the document. In this PURCHASE ORDERS case, you can specify the desired delivery date for each row.


To verify the amount of shipping costs or display important information on the transport of goods, you can use the “Shipping” tab, which displays a series of totals for the data entered in the document body. If you enter data related to the weight, cubage, etc. for the items of the document in the Item Master Data, this information is automatically entered in the rows of the body and totaled by Mago4 in the Shipping tab.


With Mago4 you can issue a purchase order based on a previous quotation. It is also possible to partially retrieve a quotation in an order: in fact, entire rows can be deleted or order quantities changed. If you recall just a part of the quotation, the remaining stays open and can therefore be recalled in future orders.


Purchase orders are generated to fulfill production requirements in general, or to comply specific sales orders. For this reason, Mago4 allows you to retrieve sales orders in purchase orders, in order to make the process even simpler. This option is particularly useful when you do not have to manage inventory stocks and when you purchase sold items.


Discount management procedure is really easy in Mago4. It is possible to define flexible application policies for purchase prices. There are different ways to apply prices and discounts in purchase documents. This lets you check and compare purchase costs from different suppliers. In particular you can:

  • learn about the different prices and discounts you can use;
  • learn about TAX management methods for the suggested values;
  • link prices and discounts to a particular item and supplier.


Mago4 offers many possibilities of customization for the management of purchase prices. You can link prices to the supplier or item, or both. You can choose to be automatically suggested about the last prices applied by the supplier for certain items.


You can set simple price management by entering a base price directly in the Items Master Data. The base price is not necessarily the purchase price. In fact, you can use it also in sales documents and update it automatically using a cost as a basis, instead of the base price.


The price that is most frequently used during the generation of purchase orders is the one specified in the last supply. Mago4 automatically saves for you the price applied by single suppliers for each item. The program updates the last purchase data automatically during inventory entries or when posting purchase documents (if the Purchase module is installed). This can be customized using the Inventory Reason Codes settings and specific parameters. Typical supplier prices for certain items can be automatically changed to adjust them to a new supplier price list.


When you deliver purchase orders, Mago4 lets you automatically post transactions even if the Purchases module is not installed. You can retrieve outstanding orders and reverse the relevant quantities in inventory fiscal data.


Mago4 is perfect also to manage partial deliveries. When you recall an order, you can change or delete the quantity indicated on a row. If the prices in the bill of lading or invoice differ from those of the recalled order, you can change the suggested prices in the Bill of Lading Posting window in order to correctly save the purchase costs of items.


If you enter many orders and quotations each day, it may be more convenient to print all documents at once. For this reason, Mago4 provides a multiple printout procedure for Supplier quotations and orders.


One of the most crucial issues for a business is the management of requirements. It is important to correctly set and manage this factor, you can meet your objectives, both of commercial (i.e. make sure finished products are made available to customers at the agreed time) and of financial nature (minimize capital invested in stock). Mago4 can optimize inventory stocks based on outstanding customer orders. The procedure allows you to automatically place reorders with suppliers for inventory goods that will not cover requirements. Mago4 analyzes the current availability for each item, along with the minimum and maximum stock level and restock lot. The program also checks for the presence of purchase orders and relative quantities, and verifies the quantities reserved in sales orders.


Purchase Orders module offers a considerable variety of lists that let you analyze, check and verify all aspects of Orders management, in order to grant you a correct business management.


This lists let you check the quantities and prices of goods and services in supplier quotations and purchase orders. Several reports allow you to view data in different ways in order to accurately analyze the progress of deliveries that have to be made and received.


The specific delivery lists in Mago4 represent a precise and effective tool to always check the punctuality of supplies and understand which are the suppliers you can rely on, based on their observance of delivery dates.


The ordered quantity lists let you check ordered amounts and quantities, focusing controls on suppliers and items, or both. Various types of analyses can be conducted: for example, you can check the progress of orders for a certain supplier, check which items have been ordered from several suppliers and whether there are seasonal or monthly peaks of orders.


  • Purchase order management
  • Payment schedules and dunnings
  • Item master data management
  • Barcode
  • Purchase order statistics
  • Supplier quotations
  • Price policies
  • Multi-price list
  • Smart code
  • Multiple UOM per item
  • Additional quantity


[ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”40″ icon_margin=”10″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#3a9bb6″]TOTAL MANAGEMENT
Inventory stock levels are always accurate, to timely meet sales orders without immobilization. Effectively analyze the future trend of purchases. Easily select the most punctual suppliers.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#3a9bb6″]MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY  Retrieve orders and quotations (including the archived ones), take action on delivery dates, manage different types of prices and discounts. Easily manage partial deliveries, transforming only a part of the quotation in order.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#3a9bb6″]REPORTS
Numerous lists allow you to always have the situation under control. A special Shipping tab summarizes all the details of the related expenses[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-check” icon_color=”#3a9bb6″]AUTOMATIC
Automatic purchase orders starting by sales orders. Useful multi-print function. Automatic adjustments to new supplier price lists.[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Simple-Line-Icons-cloud-download” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#34ae6a” icon_animation=”fadeIn” read_more=”box” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mago-erp.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F12%2FMago4_ERP_module_purchase_orders.pdf|target:_blank” hover_effect=”style_3″ pos=”left”]



Mago4 is available in 3 Editions
to meet the real needs of all SMEs.
The Purchase Orders module is provided for all editions.

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